The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange is a broad exchange that features companies of national and international repute. There are many ways you could divide the companies on the Stock Exchange and one of the most commonly used is by industry classification. The companies are split into Financial Services, Mining, Consumer Goods, Consumer Discretionary, Property and Industrial. The largest of these classifications is the industrial group. Below is a brief on each of the counters listed as industrial on the Zimbabwe stock exchange.

Amalgamated Regional Trading (ART)

Amalgamated Regional Trading (ART) is a holding company for a group of manufacturing businesses that operate in the region. They include divisions that deal in paper, stationery, recycling, forestries and batteries. They are responsible for brands such as Softex, Eversharp, National Waste Collection, Chloride batteries and Exide Batteries.


CAFCA is a cable manufacturer that does most of its business internationally. They manufacture communication cable used in ICT infrastructures such as copper cable, fibre optic internet cables and others. They are the only cable manufacturer in Zimbabwe and have long term contracts with ZESA and other international companies such as Anglo and BHP.


Innscor is the parent company of several brands. They describe themself as a manufacturer of consumer staples. They have built quite an empire that includes Red Seal, ProBrands, Profeeds, Colcom, Irvine’s Texas meats, Gloria, Mahatma, national Foods and Zap nax.


Lafarge is a building supplies manufacturer that does regional business. They are most well known for their cement business but also supply dry mortar and aggregates. They cater to the retail and industrial construction market.


Masimba Holdings is a Zimbabwean contracting and industrial group. They provide construction and engineering solutions and cater to agriculture, communications, housing, mining, water and transport sectors.


Miekles limited is a diversified group of businesses that operate in hospitality, retail, manufacturing and security. They are a long-standing feature on the Zimbabwe stock exchange. They are responsible for Brands such as Miekles, TM PicknPay and Tanganda.


Megapak which goes by the name Nampak was established in 1993  as a joint venture between Delta Corporation and Nampak South Africa. They manufacture plastic packaging products for organisations such as Delta Corporation. They server a wide range of segments including chemicals, bakery, detergents, meat, cordials and paint.

National Tyre Services (NTS)

Listed in 1969 National Tyre Services is a business that manufactures and distributes tyres as you may have already guessed. They are behind leading tyre brands in zimbabwe including Dunlop, Bridgestone, Firestone, Yokohama and Pirelli. Their business also includes tubes, retreading and tyre related service such as wheel alignment.

Powerspeed Electrical

Powerspeed Electrical is a leading supplier of electrical, hardware, building and home improvement products and services; trading through its chain of hardware retail outlets known as Electrosales Hardware. The company supplies electrical products and solutions to the painting, plumbing, electrical, building, hand and power tools, outdoor and gardening, and automotive industries in Zimbabwe.


Proplastics is a manufacturer of plastic piping for various applications. They make pipes used in boreholes, electrical conduits, sewer pipes, PVC pipes and vents amongst many other applications. It was introduced to the ZSE as an unbundling by payment of Proplastics shares to Masimba holding shareholders in 2015.


Turnall is a manufacturer of building material. They manufacture among other things bricks, roofing tiles and other prefabricated concrete items used in various concrete applications.


Unifreight is a transport and logistics company. They offer services that vary from small courier services to abnormal loads. They have a nationwide delivery network. They are associated with brands such as Swift, Bulwark and SkyNet.


Willdale is a brick and building supplies manufacturer and one of the younger companies listed on the ZSE. They also offer logistics through WillTrans. They offer a range of clay bricks including commons, face bricks and paving bricks.

Zeco Holdings

Zeco is steel working industrial company listed on the ZSE in 2008. Through its subsidiaries, builds rail wagons and locomotives for utilities in Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ethiopia, and Kenya. It also manufactures roller shutters, lifts’ garage doors, steel windows, door frames, burglar bars, and filing cabinets, as well as agricultural implements.


Zimplow is an agro-industrial company that specialises in the mechanisation of agriculture. Its separate businesses include Barzem, Mealie Brand, Farmec, C.T. Bolts and Powermec. Within these businesses, Zimplow has distributor agreements for big brands such as Caterpillar and Massey Ferguson.