LinkedIn is not a typical social media platform since it varies from other social media platforms. The platform is hugely characterised by very formal and professional interactions. Most people do not use this platform for their businesses due to several reasons. Some do not fully understand how the platform works whilst others have never tried it out. Despite all this LinkedIn is a platform that businesses must tap into. Many surveys have consistently found out that when it comes to generating leads LinkedIn is the best. The platform has over half a billion users so you might be missing out on some things if you are not already using it. That is the whole purpose of this article to take time to share with you some tips for using LinkedIn for business.

For Business Move Away From Just A Personal Profile Only

If you want to harness the full power of LinkedIn for business then you must use a company page format. Not only that, make sure the company page is fully completed i.e. all the details enterable on the page must all be entered. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between the extent to which a page is completed and the number of people accessing the page. Fully completed company pages attract more people visiting the page. The wonderful thing is that your personal profile will be linked to your company page. This also insinuates that you must ensure you have a fully completed personal profile as well.

Diversify Your Content Type

Never make the mistake of always posting text-based posts. I have noticed that the LinkedIn user interface somehow makes text-based posts less alluring. You must mix it up to also include photos, infographics, videos URLs and so on. This has an effect of making your content more appealing as opposed to just masses of text only.

Tap Into Your Employees’ Social Spheres

Here is the thing; employees are most likely connected to so many different people. To complement that, those employees are working for you to fulfil the business vision. This means they are often huge proponents for the growth and success of the business. How then do you tap into their social spheres? You advise them to visit and link up with the company page. Once they start following the page there is a high chance that people connected to them will notice your company page. If this is done well you would be amazed at how your following will grow just by tapping into employees’ social spheres.

Posting Schedules

In the arena of online content, there is always the issue of when it is opportune to post content. According to LinkedIn, posts experience the highest rates of engagement early morning and early evening. This does not take away from the fact that this can differ but it is worth noting because it was borne out of an empirical study by LinkedIn personnel. Thus when trying to figure out when the best time to post is bear in mind what I have just said.

Search Engine Optimization

You as a business must be easily discoverable i.e. you must favourably pop up during search engine searches. With LinkedIn, there are ways in which you can actually achieve this and I will briefly discuss them just now. The first one is to use keywords – the best approach is to include them in your profile e.g. company name, company description and so on. Secondly, include outbound links such as links to your website or any other relevant destinations. The third one is creating useful and engaging content regularly. If you do these 3 you will most definitely rank quite high in search engine searches.

Did you know that at least half of all people using LinkedIn wield the authority to give directives in their companies or businesses? This means you stand a good chance of getting good returns by endeavouring to connect with people on LinkedIn. LinkedIn offers great returns when it comes to business-to-business (B2B) interactions. So if as a business you are not yet on LinkedIn now is the best time to start using the platform. For those that have been using it and were probably not getting any significant results then I would encourage you to put these tips to the test.