I usually cite content creation as one of the most lucrative ventures nowadays. I even usually go on to cite video content creation as particularly profitable. This stems from the fact that video is the most engaging form of content. Several studies have shown this to be true. One of the reasons is that people are generally developing much lesser attention spans. Thus most people are less likely to read – especially true for the Zimbabwean context. Anyways, aside from video content creation being a good income-generating venture e.g. YouTube videos, there is more. You can consider video content creation for boosting your business. There are many possible ways to approach this but in this article, I am specifically looking at how-to videos.
How-To Video Ideas
You are probably thinking about what exactly I should cover in how-to videos for your business. Maybe you are selling something physical and tangible; you can do a simple video displaying it from different angles. You could explain how to use a product or a service you are providing. You can, for example, screen record whilst navigating a mobile app you have developed. That simple video can actually help users know how to use it. The same can be done in explaining steps to take in doing something e.g. navigating an eCommerce website. The possibilities are endless. You can also record videos where a live person actually demonstrates something related to your product or service. You can also go as far as recording satisfied customers doing reviews or giving testimonials of their brand experience. These are just some creative ideas to get you thinking about the many ways you can use how-to videos.
Practical Example To Learn From – ZESA Stepped Tariffs
In 2019 we saw the introduction of a stepped tariffs framework by ZESA. This dealt away with the traditional flat charge per every unit system. There are of course exceptions to that as some contexts still use that traditional system. Anyways, when the stepped tariffs came into play lots of confusion came in as well. Up to this very day, many people still struggle to fully comprehend what stepped tariffs mean. So widespread was the confusion at first that ZESA resorted to using a how-to video to explain. The video was a simple, illustrative animation to explain the stepped tariffs. Many attested to how the video did improve their understanding of the stepped tariffs.
This is worth noting because before that ZESA had written about the stepped tariffs on many platforms. I even did several articles explaining the stepped tariffs but many still could not grasp them. How more people understood better after watching the video clearly shows the importance of how-to videos. The same applies to your business; you can tap into more prospective customers by using how-to videos. They do not have to be intricate; just simple videos explaining or demonstrating important information. Do it like you seek to make an 8-year old understand.
Making Your How-To Videos Engaging
Length Considerations
There are so many things to consider in making your how-to videos engaging. Length is one of those considerations and it is informed by contextual variables. If you want to post the video on WhatsApp status updates then it will convenient for it to be 30 seconds long. This actually checks the box on ensuring it is not too long. It will vary from platform to platform; for example, you cannot post a 30 seconds video on YouTube. You can of course take advantage of the YouTube shorts feature to post it as a short video. Overall, I am saying a 30-second video can be most strategic in that it is short and does not consume much data. However, do not be limited as in some cases you might have to do a longer video. Ideally, it should be a video that can be shared across multiple platforms.
Educate Or Inform
The crux of a how-to video is to impart information. Educating or informing is not just about giving out details. It is more importantly about making sure the message is received and understood. Thus the videos must clearly educate or information so that the viewers get value from them. You are exploring areas like what they need and why they need your product or service. You are also looking at how to get it, use it, and what they stand to benefit. The things to look at vary depending on the industry, products or services in question but the bottom line is you must educate or inform. When that is effectively done it will inspire the desirable actions which culminate in lead generation and conversions.
Use Story Telling
It is been demonstrated many times that people love stories. That is why most businesses now use storytelling in their marketing campaigns. Storytelling helps in creating an immersive experience and making your content relatable. You want people to invest their emotions into their interaction with your brand. Thus, when you create your how-to videos, figure out ways to incorporate story-telling. Even if it is a simple video highlighting your product range incorporates story-telling. Let us suppose that you have a software development business and you are selling different types of apps. Instead of just saying that you have an app and laying out its features, story-tell. For example, you can say there is a young lady called Samantha Masarakufa, and then you highlight her personal experience that necessitates her needing that app. That sounds so unnecessary but it actually adds weight to your content.
How-to videos will increase brand awareness, help in product or service launches, and help drive traffic to your platforms. I am a huge proponent of minimalism and simplicity. Making how-to videos should not be costly or complex. You can create an exceptional how-to video absolutely free and simple. There are many software and mobile apps you can use to create how-to videos – Picasa, Canva, Picsart, and Inshot for example. A how-to video can start as simple as a photo slideshow with background music or a voiceover.