We have already discussed 7 sales tips to boost your sales performance. As promised, this is the follow-up article where we look at 7 more sales tips. When you look at sales frameworks you will notice getting sales should be easy. One of the reasons many struggles is because they do not have concrete sales strategies. When you examine all these tips you will see that you need to devise a sales strategy. Such a strategy will make it easier to incorporate all these tips systematically.

Focus On Addressing People’s Primary Desires

5 core things define human desires. These are the desire to acquire, desire to bond, desire to learn, desire to defend, and desire to feel. As a brand you need to know people’s primary desires – that is what you must address in what you offer. Of course, if what you offer appeals to all 5 areas then sales prospects become most likely. People generally have needs or desires and your duty is to address them. Particularly the primary desires! In your interaction with prospects figure out what their primary desires are and meet them.

Not Every Sales Deal Must Be Closed

Yes, you need as many sales as you can get. However, not every sales deal must be closed. I recently did 2 articles on indicators of clients you should not take on. In those articles, I provided comprehensive details that will show you that not every sale deal must be closed.

Engage More For More Sales

If you are to get and increase sales the secret is in engaging with people. That is why the importance of networking, marketing, and the like must not be taken for granted. The principle is simple – the more people you engage the higher your chances of getting sales.

Be Authentic (Do Not Feign)

We probably have all been victims of inauthentic brands. They will fake smile or pretend to make it seem like you matter when all they want is money. Sure enough, they want to realize sales but being authentic is necessary. It is very possible for someone to not buy because of picking up those fake vibes. How you interact with prospects or existing customers matters. As someone or people behind a brand, in more ways, you are the product (not necessarily what you are selling). If people are put off by you in some way what you sell will not matter to them. Please, be authentic in everything you do. People consider the entire experience (customer experience) so authentically pay attention to everything.

Extroverts Are The Best Salespeople – A Misleading Stereotype

I often hear some people saying that the best salespeople are extroverts. Well, yes chances are high that an extroverted person can be an effective salesperson. It is not wise though to stereotype your choice of members to constitute your sales team. Excluding introverts can be misleading because some of them can be super good salespeople. Your choices should be based more on people wielding certain fundamental skills and experience. Do not discriminate how you choose salespeople based on whether someone is an extrovert or introvert.

Response Rate Is Important

It is appalling how a brand can set up social media accounts and take ages to respond to people. I do not understand how a brand can provide contact details and yet ignore or respond late to people. Your response rate as a brand is important; be as prompt as possible! Studies show that over 40 percent of sales happen through being quick to respond to people. When you get voice calls, for as long as it is within operating hours, respond immediately. When it comes to messages be as prompt as well. Your goal must be to not get into the next day without having responded.

Address Larger Problems

One of the ways to boost your sales is to address larger problems. Addressing bigger problems will provide more room to increase prices, justifiably. The problem I usually see is that some brands want to address ordinary problems and charge exorbitantly. Do you wish to increase prices so that you realize more sales revenue? The solution is simple, address larger problems.

That brings it to 14 sales tips to boost your sales performance. I can assure you that if you implement all these tips your sales will soar. The crux is to be customer-centric – it should not be about you.