For many school leavers, the awareness that building a business of your own surpasses being an employee may come to them naturally, but the basic dynamic involved in conjuring the ideal plan is somewhat a tricky ordeal. The vicious challenges youths now face after leaving school can no longer be ignored. Scores of school leavers are incapable of finding a job premised on the fact that that they do not possess the indispensable work experience and know-how required when looking for a job in this time and epoch, but who said these young stars cannot open and effectively run their own trades. The youths are the hot blood of entrepreneurship. These are the cadres who will immortalize Zimbabwe’s history and market success. Passionate youths often grow up to become successful adults and here are some project ideas for school leavers and students.
Broilers Chickens
This project needs a lot of supervision and time investment otherwise you are going to make a loss. Thankfully our school leavers have plenty of time because they are after all school leavers. The all-time positive of this business idea is that the market is ever in need because meat is an integral part of Zimbabwean meals. The demand for chicken meat is very huge in Zimbabwe. Zimbabweans love chicken! Broilers need a lot of warmth and a constant clean supply of water and feed, which is quite easy to provide for a committed individual. The market ranges from functions, individuals to even supplying to butcheries at wholesale price depending on the scale of your business.
This is a business that requires low capital to start, however it requires a lot of commitment, patience and consistence. The market for horticulture products is very huge in Zimbabwe, as Zimbabweans consume agricultural products every day. What happens at Mbare Musika is an exhibit enough of how wide and varied the horticulture market is. What is needed is to research on the best grower seed and fertilizers for your desired product at shops like Farm and City which offer free consultation. Thankfully school leavers are armed with the right arsenal having done Science and some, Agriculture in High School. Projects like tomatoes, onions, cabbages, beans, potatoes, vegetables and green pepper have provided fairy tale break throughs for those who have tried this trade and succeeded.
In this new information age, very few employers consider hiring someone without basic 5 ‘O’ Level subjects because the industry has become fiercely competitive. This has led many both young and old alike to remediate and seek tutors in a bid to also have a basic academic qualification. The demand for education has escalated to a point where some even require a maid to have a history of having gone to school and basic literacy that allows her to communicate with their child in English. So, tutoring is one business opportunity that cannot be ignored among top endeavors for the young generation. The best way to succeed in this business is to specialize in a field that you fully understand so that you become a master in that field and not try to be everything from being a Shona Tutor to being a Physics Tutor. Become a master in one area and grape vine marketing will be your dearest ally as those you have helped will spread news of you.
Many school leavers and students are uncontested experts in certain areas of interest that is unique to them like Algebra, writing short stories, vivid narrators of events, sport and some simply have a great sense of humor. This idea is based on the fact that if you can get people to read material that you write then you can make money out of your talent by creating a blog. You can the monetize your blog by putting adverts on the website, or selling products to readers.
Making custom made jewelry with names
Youngsters who have an eye for style and dynamic fashion are the initiators of creative endeavors who will find jewelry making a rewarding and profitable business. This is one idea that many youngsters have capitalized on and got many customers. The target market is usually fellow youths and some adults. Most young people want to be recognized or affiliated with another person they sort of consider a role model whether a lover, musician, actor, footballer etc. So, they get bangles that have their names, names of loved ones or idols made for them. It gives them a sense of pride to carry these bangles around them and even buy one for a loved one. This idea needs very low capital as you just need beads, strings, lettered cubes and maybe silver to add on to the flare. If your stuff is eye-catching, you’ll find a market keen to run off with up your pieces.
Candle, floor polish and detergent making
With little capital, every school leaver is capable of starting a business for themselves making candles, soap, detergents and floor polish. You just need to be creative and resourceful to succeed in this business. You must have a clear head on the kind of polish and candles you want to make e.g. scented, colored or beeswax candles etc. then you perfect that line. The market for your products include individuals, companies, and shops. This project has capacity to even develop into a big company.
Car wash Service
Many people love their cars and want to keep them clean as cars are always a reflection of top notch status in developing communities. This project needs low capital except maybe for space rentals but D.C hoovers and water sprays are affordable. The secret is to give the best service at the best price then you can build loyal customers as long as clients believe your wash is the best thing for their car and no one else could have done it better.
Photography and video filming
For youths who adore being behind the lens, then photography is the way to go folks. With the right ingredients of making a magic photo then you also get business for functions and many individuals. Your customers include individuals, companies and organizations. Events were photographers are needed include parties, weddings, family reunions, baby showers etc.
Making wooden furniture
Some students do practicals like Woodwork that teach hands on and develop a child’s psychomotor skills in furniture design and creativity. Instead of wasting away at home in the falsehood that the environment is not conducive for anything, you can use your talents and creativity to make furniture like Dividers, wardrobes, desks, drawers etc. This is one paying business and the Glenview Area 8 area is testament to the uncapped success of individuals who have dared try the wood making business.
You can open a tuck-shop as a youth and earn a lot income. Products to sell in your tuckshop include basic products like sugar, bread, cooking oil, flour, eggs, snacks, salt, mazoe, sweets, soap etc. These are products which are used everyday by people, thus you are guaranteed of making sales every day. You will be getting your supplies from wholesalers who are in your area. Since you are buying in bulky, the prices will be cheaper, thus you will be able to put a markup and get profit. You should be good at customer service so that people will always come back to buy from you.
Selling gadgets
The young generation is at the center of ever evolving technology and the new order is trending towards a time where everyone must have a smart device or laptop otherwise you risk being left out of business and social endeavors. Technology has advanced to a stage where even church programs are now spelt out on social media because its cheap, therefore it is untrue for anyone to hamper false hoods like “I can do without technology, I will stick to traditional methods like writing letters.” This makes everyone a potential customer when you sell gadgets. This is a lucrative business idea for the youths because they are the most fascinated with new gadgets and understand the functions and therefore language to use in making a sell. Gadgets you can sell include cellphones, cellphones accessories, laptops, computer accessories, tablets etc.
The future prosperous Zimbabwe will be born not by those who stand at the side lines, but by gladiators in the arena who dare be innovative. There should be a sense of time in the young generation, for a revolution in your financial situation is not a function of being employed but ultimately becoming an employer.
“It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.”- Nelson Mandela.
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i want to start an interior designing
good work