Be it in business, in our workplaces, or personal lives, we all have desires. Some get to live in the vital reality of their desires; some do not. Why is this so? It is because certain principles are necessary for one to attain their desires. If you grasp and live those principles, your desires will be fulfilled. That is why in this article, we get to discuss life principles that you need to attain your desires. Bear in mind that this refers to positive or wholesome desires. Here they are:

Always See Possibilities

Circumstances are not always favourable. So many times, it will seem as if there is no passage. It will seem as if you cannot make it. However, it is a proven truth that there is always a way. Remember my definition of entrepreneurship? “The addressing of a common, widespread problem using a novel or disruptive solution, often tech-based, that is monetizable.” That is one good example that shows how you should always see possibilities. It is an active thing, i.e. you should prime yourself to SEE. If you do not, then you will not see the possibilities despite them being there. Thus it is a mindset you should culture in you. It reminds me of the David and Goliath analogy. For others, they regarded Goliath as too big to defeat. As for David, he regarded Goliath as too big to miss. What do you see? Always see possibilities!

It Is Always YOU

There is a lot we can discuss here. For starters, you should believe in yourself. It may sound cliché, but the vast majority of people do not. Then you must always take responsibility for how you conduct your life. It could be things you do or things done to you; it all boils down to you. Often times, the basic human instinct is to shift blame or find scapegoats. Though it may seem to take the focus off you, it is not quite smart to live like that. In everything, always appreciate the truth that it is all about you. You are the key determinant of success or failure. Your greatest asset is you. In the same vein, your greatest hurdle is you as well. Stop scapegoating; the sooner you stop, the better!

Goals And Roadmaps Are Important

The crux of all this is time management. Do not live your life randomly. Set goals and attach timelines to them. Have clear roadmaps of what, how, and when you want to achieve. This provides reference points that give you a sense of direction. That will also provide you with a framework to monitor and evaluate your life. Like Les Brown once said, “Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life”. Kindly check out the article titled 5 important guidelines on setting and accomplishing goals on saving money. You will learn about saving money and goal setting and accomplishment in general. Goal setting is good, but more important is the doing part. Be a doer, and do not be afraid to take risks. After all, risks are inevitable in everything.

Relate With Failure Positively

What is your relationship with failure? You have to relate to failure positively, especially considering it will sometimes come. When it comes, never ever give up. Always be solutions-oriented. Again it comes down to seeing possibilities despite the circumstances. Regard failure as an opportunity to learn and do better moving forward. The late Kobe Bryant had an insightful mindset on relating to failure. He was once asked, “What does losing feel like to you?” His answer was, “It’s exciting!” His rationale was that it means you have different ways to get better. You get to figure out certain weaknesses that you can work on. That is the mindset you should adopt for your life. Do not wallop in misery when failure comes; learn from it, rise above it and do better next time.

Mind Your Associations

You have to mind who you associate with. The Bible says you should not be misled; bad company corrupts good character. Often times many people think their associations are okay. This is because the people they associate with may not be outright evil. Most of the time, their negative influences are subtle or less obvious. For example, they may be people whose lives are anchored on limiting beliefs. By associating with such people, you may not realize how much they are suppressing your potential. It is common to associate with people who do not believe in you. Mostly they are people who, deep inside, do not even want to see you excel. That is why you need to be ruthless regarding your associations. Cut off any unwholesome associations. Less is more!

Never Stop Learning

Always invest time, money, resources, and effort in continuous learning. You can never reach a point in life where you know it all. That is why learning should be life-long. Explore various learning areas so you are abreast with the evolving world. The fast-paced and dynamic nature of the modern world needs that.

Cater To Your Health Always

Many of you neglect your ways, knowingly or unknowingly. In 2021 I wrote an article on healthy habits to cultivate for a successful business year. You can learn a lot from it. Broadly your health is a function of what you eat, and drink and how much you rest your body. It does span several other aspects, though.

“The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick”

T. Barnum

With these principles, you are sure to attain your desires. Always cultivate an attitude of gratitude and give back too; be generous. It is also important to be agile; adapt when needs be. Put together; it is about nourishing your mind, body, and soul rightly.