Entrepreneurship is coming up and expanding quite well in Zimbabwe. In a bid to become the best you must build strategic networks and relationships. A world of opportunities and possibilities is opened up when you become a part of the right circles. There are various ecosystems beneficial to entrepreneurs that you can join in Zimbabwe. Some of them are incubators, accelerators, co-working spaces, events, and so many more. In this article, I want to discuss an institute that every entrepreneur in Zimbabwe should be a part of. I am talking about the Institute Of Entrepreneurs Zimbabwe.
Who Is the Institute Of Entrepreneurs Zimbabwe?
They seek to bring socio-economic transformation through training a new breed of entrepreneurs who can contribute to the development of their communities, countries, and economies through cutting edge innovation. Their focuses come from a realization that the missing link for innovative configuration of the limitless resources in Zimbabwe is a lack of entrepreneurship skills. Thus they have an ecosystem that skills and nurtures business people and entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe to sustainably run their enterprises.
Who Can Join And How?
Joining is open to everyone. Membership packages start right down from primary school students up to aspiring and already functional business people or entrepreneurs. An overview of the membership packages is as follows:
Established Businesses (EB)
This package comes with a fee of US$100 per year. Here are the benefits you enjoy:
- Free business health check-ups to diagnose any areas needing attention
- Access to customized training
- Participation in physical or virtual entrepreneurship workshops
- Being part of a huge pool of entrepreneurs
- Marketing opportunities
- Access to funding
- Option to enrol for an 18 month long Master Entrepreneurship Program (MEP)
- You can attend the annual Entrepreneur Conference
- 1-hour long free expert business advisory session per month
- Access to the latest tender information
- Becoming part of an online directory of entrepreneurs
Prospective Businesses (PB)
This package comes with a fee of US$50 per year. Here are the benefits you enjoy:
- Free business idea assessment and sustainability checks
- Business opportunities
- Physical and virtual workshops
- Marketing opportunities
- Funding opportunities
- Option to enrol for an 18 month long Master Entrepreneurship Program (MEP)
- Attending the annual Entrepreneur Conference
- Free 45 minutes long free expert business advisory session per month
- Access to the latest tender information
- Becoming part of an online directory of entrepreneurs
College And University Students (CUS)
This package comes with a fee of US$20 per year. Here are the benefits you enjoy:
- Free business idea assessment and sustainability checks
- Business opportunities
- Physical and virtual workshops
- Marketing opportunities
- Funding opportunities
- Option to enrol for an 18 month long Master Entrepreneurship Program (MEP)
- Attending the annual Entrepreneur Conference
- Free 20 minutes long free expert business advisory session per month
- Access to the latest tender information
- Becoming part of an online directory of entrepreneurs
Primary And Secondary Students (PSS)
This package comes with a fee of US$15 per year. Here are the benefits you enjoy:
- 1 monthly online mentorship meeting
- Attending discounted entrepreneurship mindset courses
- Career guidance and coaching
- Attending annual Junior Entrepreneurship Conference
- Life skills training
- Weekly entrepreneurship articles
- Discounted courses and events
- Meet and mingle with successful entrepreneurs
- Participation in international forums
- Prospects for business ideas getting funded
- Participation in local, regional, and international conferences
To register you can follow this link. This will take you through the process of filling out a registration form.
If you want to get in touch with the Institute Of Entrepreneurs Zimbabwe you can check out the website here. You can call or WhatsApp on +263 732 383 940. Their email address is admin@ioez.co.zw. You can engage them via their Facebook page as well. They are also on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Physically you can find them at 108 Central Avenue, in Harare. ‘Becoming a high voltage entrepreneur is never by chance or fate, you need to invest in time, knowledge and resources’ – Institute Of Entrepreneurs Zimbabwe.