Electric buses reduce diesel demand
According to a report published by BloombergNEF, by end of this year, a cumulative 270 000 barrels a day of diesel will have been displaced by electric cars. Most of the displacement will be in China where the electric vehicle revolution is way ahead compared to other nations. For every 1 000 electric buses on the road, 500 barrels of diesel are displaced each day and by 2040, electric vehicles would have displaced as much as 6.4 million barrels a day of diesel demand. If you are in the diesel industry, you better start planning for the future. Diesel demand will continue to fall.
Power generated from wind from passing vehicles
Technical University student Kerem Deveci has created ENLIL, a smart wind turbine project that transforms highways into renewable energy sources. Through his company Deveci Tech, vertical axis wind turbines fitted with solar panels are placed on the side of the road benefitting from the wind from passing buses. 300 of these are expected to generate enough energy to power 20 000 homes. The solar panels are also an added way to generate power. If replicated and implemented on a large scale, this system will change the world.
Apple delves into new territory
Battered by growing competition from Samsung and Huawei, Apple has decided to look elsewhere for better fortunes. But, they are not launching a new iPhone. However, they have launched new services, the Apple TV+, Apple Card, Apple News+ and Apple Arcade. Apple TV+ is an app offering add free streaming services with original content from Oprah Winfrey and others. The Apple Card allows customers to tap their iPhones to Apple Pay or swipe a CVV free, titanium, laser etched card. In addition, Apple News+ will feature stories from more than 300 leading magazines and newspapers like NatGeo and WSJ while Apple Arcade is a gaming subscription service with access to more than 1000 games. It remains to be seen if these new offerings will improve Apples fortunes.
Maersk plans to cut CO2 emissions
Shipping giant Maersk is testing how biofuel can cut carbon dioxide emissions. They are partnering with Shell, Unilever and others in this trial. One of their biggest vessels, The Mette Maersk will go on a 25 000 nautical miles round trip from Rotterdam to Shanghai using a blend containing 20% of so-called second-generation biofuel produced from plant waste. This trip is expected to save the environment 1.5 million kilograms of carbon dioxide, an equivalent of what 200 households would emit in a year. This is massive. We need to note that about 90% of the world’s goods are transported by the shipping industry which is responsible for 3% of carbon dioxide emissions. Although the biofuel will be more expensive than normal marine fuel, it is its environmental impact that is of importance. Maersk are serious about clean fuel as they are also testing ammonia, hydrogen and electric batteries as options to power their more than 600 ships.