These are terms you probably might have heard over the past few years. The first time I ever heard about these terms was around 2013 I think. I recall reading somewhere, ‘backing to the cloud’ and it was completely alien to me at the time. Fast forward to today this is something I am now all too familiar with. In this digital age that we are in you must appreciate what this subject is all about. The proliferation of internet usage and other tech advancements is heavily dependent on cloud computing and storage. In this article, I will let you in on what this is all about so that you step out of lack of or limited knowledge into the know.

There Is A Distinction

There is a general misconception to think that cloud computing and cloud storage are the same. They are not synonymous and I will explain that in just a moment. Cloud storage, in elementary terms, refers to a system that facilitates storage of data online (i.e. on the internet). What this simply means is that data is stored on servers and can be accessed online. If you know about platforms like Google Drive, that is an example of cloud storage. Then there is cloud computing which a whole different thing altogether. Cloud computing is a framework that anchors on cloud storage to actually do specific activities – even to run a whole system or project.

Cloud storage is basically just an online storage of data and requires less computational power in comparison to cloud computing. In terms of storage, cloud storage obviously requires way more space than cloud computing. In fact, that is why cloud computing is so popular now because it limits or eliminates the need to have high onboard storage space. I am sure this is good enough to make you see that the two are not necessarily the same.

Let me delve a little more into cloud computing since cloud storage is more or less straightforward.

Cloud Computing

This is a domain that can be put into 3 clusters namely, SaaS, IaaS and PaaS. Those abbreviations stand for Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, and Platform as a Service respectively. Some of the common cloud computing platforms or services are Google Apps or Apple iCloud.

Software As A Service (SaaS)

Cloud computing here entails platforms that allow people to use software applications online or that operate online. Think of it this way, there is software that you can download and use offline. Then there is software that you can only access and use online. This is what I mean by software as a service.

Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)

This is not really for everyone; tends to actually be provided by global tech titans such as Google. This involves providing online platforms that wield vast computational power for businesses or companies.

Platform As A Service (PaaS)

This is one is solely for software or app developers. It entails an online platform where such developers can create their software or apps. Ultimately they can choose to make it available online or for download. In order to make this relatable, I am sure some of you have heard about the term open source. Open software is one example of a platform as a service. Developers can access the software or platform online and are free to play around with the code to develop their own software or apps.

Some Important Things To Know About Cloud Computing And Storage

Internet Network Infrastructure Matters

This domain-only thrives if there is solid internet infrastructure. Two major things that can stifle the smooth use of cloud computing and storage are power cuts and snail-paced internet speeds. Cloud computing and cloud storage needs 4G or later in order to have a smooth experience. That is why locally it is going to take some time for the widespread uptake of these two innovations. The other dynamic stems from the need to have the latest devices that have the necessary components and features to operate seamlessly online.

Security Concerns Become Crucially Important

The online or virtual world is very tricky when it comes to security. It is riddled with hackers who are quick to capitalize on loopholes to access platforms for nefarious reasons. You then need to pay close attention to network security, the practice of using strong passwords and prudent practices of logging out, physical security and the like. My advice is that you must be very wary of data security when using cloud storage or cloud computing. If you are not sure it is wise to seek assistance from professionals in the field.

As a nation, we need to step up our efforts with regard to cloud computing and storage. The benefits to be enjoyed from these two are colossal. The widespread uptake of these two creates numerous business prospects for enterprising entrepreneurs. It also means that mobile devices can even last longer and operate faster. The thing is, cloud computing and storage mean you do not have to necessarily store huge amounts of data on your device. This reduces the processing and storage burden on your device. One thing is certain though, there is no escaping cloud computing and storage.