Some businesses are started with a simple natural talent or gift that is built around with strategy and work. So let’s talk about using your talent and business ideas you can build around it. Do your friends tell you you’re good at speaking? Well, maybe it’s time to cash in on this ability and create a whole business from your gift of the gab. Here are 5 business ideas for those who are good at speaking.

Master of Ceremonies

Contrary to popular belief a Master of Ceremonies (MC) does not need to be a popular personality. What they do need is the ability to speak to, not at, a crowd and to build a good rapport. So if you have a clear voice that commands attention and can sense the mood of a crowd and know how to work them this one can work for you. Advertising your craft has been made much easier by the abilities if social media and this is perhaps why people believe popularity is essential. Anyway, get yourself out there and it might do you well to start with smaller and perhaps even free events to get your name and abilities out there.

Voice over artist

This is massively underrated as a business idea but may well be one of the most important business ideas for those who love to talk – and are good at it. Voice over artists are sought after for adverts, language dubbing, youtube & other social videos and may other services. Again social media is making it easy to showcase your work so take full advantage of the platforms available. Also, put yourself out as a freelancer.


I already mentioned videos in the paragraph on voice over artists. As vlog, you would actually be the personality producing the videos  Vlog is short for video blog and that’s the basic idea here. Create a quality video-based blog focusing on a specific subject or a general one focusing on many subjects that are popular with your community. Community is important because the ultimate goal is to create opportunities through monetization which you can find out about here.


Maybe you’re a little camera shy and the video route won’t quite work for you. That’s alright as podcasts are the audio version of blogs. The advances in technology are really doing us big favours as this form of a blog is growing in popularity. Find your space and use the same principles as vlogs to monetize by finding a gripping subject and becoming an authority on it you open yourself up to the prospect of monetizing.

Public speaking

Similar to an MC but speakers tend to be more subject focussed and are sought after for business and industry conferences it really depends on the subject matter you choose and the options are truly many. The best idea would be to find a popular moving subject to become focused on. The rates of pay vary from conference to conference and you will need to work your way into circles and recognition

With all the businesses I’ve mentioned above, there is one critical key that is common. Do not tell people what you do, show them what you do instead. Show your speaking or put up examples of your voice over work on social media. Use short clips of your podcasts to advertise and have your speeches recorded no matter how small the occasion. Whichever way you choose, show your craft.