Linda’s professional journey is mostly at Edgars. She joined Edgars as Group Financial Director in 1988 after a financial career in manufacturing. Over the next 20 years, she alternated various Directorship positions within the organisation. These included Group Manufacturing Director, New Business Director and Group Corporate Services Director.
In April 2010, she was appointed Group Managing Director, a position which she still holds to date. With this appointment, she become one of just three women to lead Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) listed companies. This period was difficult for Edgars. They were struggling as a result of the effects of hyperinflation which had ravaged the country in 2008. From 87 stores in 1992, Edgars only had 33 operational stores by the end of 2010. Linda remarkably led the resuscitation of Edgars between 2010 and 2014, helping it recapture its market share. Sales have been on the rise since then. The Edgars chain recorded total sales of $33.9 million in 2016 and $39.6 million in 2017. For Jet, total sales were $24 million in 2017, up from $17.7 million in 2016. According to their half year to June 2018 results, sales have grown from $24.1 million in the half year to June 2017 to $31.1 million in the same period in 2018. This is a 29% increase. More importantly, the group’s profit before tax rose 200% from $0.9 million in 2017 to $2.6 million in 2018. This is despite the harsh operating conditions characterised by foreign currency shortages.
Apart from being on the Edgars Board, Linda sits on the Board of Stanbic Bank where she is the Chairperson of the Board Risk Committee. She is also a member of the Audit Committee and the Loans Review Committee. She is a fellowship member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (FCIS).
Despite a tough few years for Edgars both here and in South Africa, Linda’s experience and track record qualify her as the best woman to take the local unit to the promised land. The Board’s faith in her for all these years is further testament to that.
Thank you for the information on one of the top executives in the country.
It’s our pleasure. If you have any suggestions as to who else we can profile we would appreciate them.
Kudos to her. she is my CEO
We would want more of young successful entrepreneurs profiles