Below are the black market foreign currency, Ecocash, ZIPIT, RTGS Dollars, and bond notes exchange rates as of 25 August 2021.

Parallel Market Forex Rates

BR (Buying Rate) –  Rate at which Money Changers buy forex from you

SR (Selling Rate) – Rate at which Money Changers sell forex to you

1 USD = ZWL $130.00-$140.00 BR Small Transactions (<USD$1k)

1 USD = ZWL $140-$150 BR Large Transactions (>USD$1k)

1 USD = ZWL $150-$160 SR

1 USD = Nostro USD $1.05-$1.10 SR

1 USD = $120.00-$130.00 Bond Notes (BR)

100 Rands = ZWL $850-$900 BR

100 Rands = ZWL $800-$850 Bond Notes (BR)

*Disclaimer: Unofficial Data. We are researchers, not traders.

1 USD = 85.90 ZWL Dollars (Official RBZ Rate)